The OAV Thrust Air Bushing is our latest application of our Air Bearing technology and one of OAV’s greatest innovations. For the first time, we have applied air bearing technology to a 3-way, frictionless surface.
The thrust bushing can be used in conjunction with face collars in order to keep the frictionless bearing at a specific, fixed location along the shaft. The clamp-on precision face collars lock the bushing in the location while the Thrust Bushing provides the frictionless surfaces that allow the shaft and system to rotate.
Even when a new, better technology is available, it is often not fully adopted right away because cost can be a deterrent. To avoid this issue, OAV has made our Thrust Air Bushing available. The bushing allows engineers to incorporate Air Bearing technology into pre-existing designs based on round shaft guides instead of building entirely new systems. Available configurations run on standard size shafting for fixed of linear motion while maximizing rotational motion with ultra precision and absolutely no friction. In this way, the benefits of our Air Bearing technology can be realized even if budgetary constraints won’t allow for an entirely new system.
OAV Thrust Air Bearings are available in Metric and English sizes. They are comprised of porous graphite and either Aerospace quality aluminum or titanium. If you have specialized requirements, our team can provide custom designs that are integrated into your product and accurate down to the nanometer.
Countless existing and emerging markets are beginning to realize a need for machines that are simply capable of more—more precision, more accuracy, more dependability, and more potential. Whatever the need, OAV is here to provide quality, reliable Air Bearings.