Gothenburg, Sweden, 23 September, 2013: For the 14th year in a row, SKF has been listed as one of the world’s most sustainable companies by both the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for Europe. DJSI rated SKF as best in class for the company’s approach to environmental management. The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes were launched in 1999 and are longest-running and most prestigious global sustainability benchmarks worldwide.
“SKF has been listed in the leadership index every year since 2000, and this reflects our long established focus on integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business. We are proud to have been a member of this benchmark since the beginning,” says Tom Johnstone, SKF President and CEO.
SKF defines sustainability as SKF Care, which encompasses Business Care, Environmental Care, Employee Care and Community Care. SKF BeyondZero is SKF’s strategy to create a positive impact on the environment. It consists of two simultaneous approaches:
• to reduce the environmental impact resulting from SKF’s operations
• to provide customers with innovative technologies, products and solutions that offer improved environmental performance.
A good example of SKF’s approach to environmental issues can be seen in how the company applies the BeyondZero strategy to the challenges of climate change. SKF’s climate strategy includes aggressive targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for SKF, its suppliers and logistics operations, as well as from its customer solutions included in the SKF BeyondZero portfolio. In 2012, the solutions within the SKF BeyondZero portfolio helped to avoid 1,672,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.